New Balance 590v3 Unreal Engine

This is my test subject for learning photogrammetry and blueprint within Unreal Engine. The art started out as a photo scan in Reality Capture, but was completely remade by hand in 3ds Max. All of the final materials were built from scratch using a combination of photos, and Substance Painter texture work. All Unreal materials are customizable as layered materials and masked-in to the color ID masks. The item viewer was my introduction to Unreal blueprints. The blueprint includes pickup, inspect, drop, and a user interface HUD, (shout out to Ryan Laley for the great tutorial on this blueprint.) I hope to expand on this one day to make it a full shoe customizer with material overrides and fancier UI.

Real-time Render in Unreal Engine

Real-time Render in Unreal Engine

Custom blueprint function to pick up and inspect item & materials shaders.

Scan of upper and mid sole in Reality Capture

Scan of upper and mid sole in Reality Capture

Scan of sole in Reality Capture

Scan of sole in Reality Capture

Cleaned up scan from Reality Capture in Zbrush

Retopo in 3ds Max

Retopo in 3ds Max

Retopo in 3ds Max

Retopo in 3ds Max

Retopo in 3ds Max

Retopo in 3ds Max

Material IDs for layered materials in Unreal Engine

Material IDs for layered materials in Unreal Engine

Game model with material IDs and clean topology

Game model with material IDs and clean topology

Stich decal mesh

Stich decal mesh

Sole decal meshes

Sole decal meshes

Decals on sole

Decals on sole

Decal on insole

Decal on insole

Front sole decal

Front sole decal

Player camera blueprint overview

Player camera blueprint overview

Item inspect blueprint overview

Item inspect blueprint overview